About Us

I was making a rabbet plane.  That is what I was doing when Jill walked into the garage and said, “How would you feel about moving to New Zealand?”.

She wasn’t real pleased with changes recently in her life *coughcareerwise so she had been looking for a while.  She gets idea’s and will obsessively research it until the next idea comes.  So I figured this would pass too. I mean, it was dumb and I said so.  We both had well paying jobs, not great but well enough to be more than happy.  Still, two weeks later I asked her if she had put in her resume.  That’s when she actually did it.

I was playing DnD (Yes, I’m a bit of a nerd. No, we do not dress up) when Jill had her first phone interview.  She called me to tell me it, “Went well!”.  That’s when I knew it was going to happen.  The same spirit that won me over, can win most over. That’s what she did, again.

I had one exception.  I would absolutely NOT go if Ned couldn’t go.  You see, I had made a promise to be with my wife and at her side, as she had with me.  I also made a promise to my pup, whom we got from a rescue, that I would never leave him.  That dog had to become the healthiest and most tested dog there was over the next 6 months.  Australia and New Zealand are wildly protective of whats on their islands, and rightfully so.  The good news is he can never get Lyme disease here and never get Rabies here.  The bad news is it cost a whole lot!

One thing everyone kept saying is, ‘Now you can become whatever you want to’.  This never really made sense to me as I don’t know ‘whatever’.  I’m more like Cliff Clavin, I know a lot about a lot but I’m not a  specialist of really anything.  Unlike Cliff, I know this and admit it.  I love to learn new things so that’s the bonus here. So what am I going to learn here.

I’ve always watched Roy Underhill growing up with my dad.  I also really love old wooden hand planes. So until I get a ‘Real’ job again. I’m going to carpenter, cook and photograph my heart out and hope to pull a few others along with me!

So, please subscribe to this blog and to my youtube channel and lets clean this Phil up!
