ANZAC Day 2018 Remembrance Project


In the U.S. we have memorial day in Australia and New Zealand they have the “Australia New Zealand Army Corp Day”. ANZAC Day.

It’s April 25th of every year which is the anniversary of when the ANZAC troops landed on Gallipoli.

I’m not a historian or a solider or and officer or in 1915, So I accept this is these are the thoughts of someone not in that life at all. That said, the ANZAC soldiers fought very well and ingeniously as both sides tunneled out the hills they were fighting over.

The Container

Te Papa is the Smithsonian of New Zealand, the national museum. The have an exhibit there for this campaign. It’s had to not walk through it and wonder “why” and “How” for so many reasons. It’s well worth visiting, especially if you are visiting New Zealand in Wellington. The museum is free and so is the exhibit. Weta of hobbit and lord of the rings fame helped produce it, so you know it’s awesome!

ANZAC poppy statue

The Goal

The Wacky Woodworker asked me to join in with others building projects to celebrate/memorialize the men and women. I hate to be honest here and admit that I didn’t know anything about this day until I came to live here. But after working with the older generations while in New Zealand, I’ve come to see how much they treasure this history. How they endlessly talk about it over tea and biscuits. I wanted to replicate something from this exhibit and bend it to help with these conversations. Bend it to a happier meaning.

The Wacky Woodworkers playlist for ANZAC Day:

Where Did the idea come from

As part of the ANZAC exhibit at Te Papa, which there are a number of larger than life statues depicting real people from the battle. One contains a box that I will scale back down to reality and make into a Biscuit Box *cough(cookie jar). The reason for this, I’m not the biggest tea person around but one thing I really love in New Zealand are ANZAC Biscuits. They are amazingly good!!!

That is what this box is meant for, for the children, grandchildren and relatives of these soldiers will be able to sit and enjoy tea and biscuits while talking about their history, grandparents, relatives and ancestors.

ANZAC Statue Ammo Box ANZAC Ammo box detail ANZAC Ammo box detail ANZAC Ammo box detail

The Build

ANZAC Biscuit Jar ANZAC Biscuit Jar ANZAC Biscuit Jar

Cheers All and Happy ANZAC day

clean phil wanted



*I lived 3 miles from the US Marines Memorial in New Zealand. I filmed a lot of the ceremony last year. I will be trying to pull that together so the US soldiers will see how NZ celebrates US service men. I was very surprised.


My Workbench’s Plans are in this book by Paul Sellers –

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